
So... Games are hard to make.

It's been two month+ and this is what I have to tell you.

Real Life has me by the balls, big time, I can't uphold any promisses other than paying my bills.

So I don't know what to tell you guys... I even did a small try on another game to try and keep things fresh but even that fell into the back burner as real life came knocking.

It's been fun I learned a lot and still work on the game, but it's negligible.

If you guys want to have a shot at this game I still have Magma's old files and I will post it here if there is a interest.

I could tell you my sad tale but that would be too much QQ and too less Pew Pew.

Thanks for all the support. sorry for the Fail.

Anyway as my favorite game character says: See You Next Mission.


Back from the Dead

This is probably the worst name for a post I could think of but i've written this post like 7 times.

Some were funny, some were lies, this one it's just the truth.

Where have you been?:

My uncle is a police man (here in brasil there are the civil police, that does investigations and such, and the military police that does patrols and such, my uncle was civil police), he got shot while trying to stop a robbery, he was off-duty and in his home, and he died.

That would suck but i'm a cold guy and I was fine, the part that not even a cold bastard like me would ignore is that he was my mother's bother and and my grandmother son (obviously) they didn't take his death well. that happend at a while ago, since then I've been taking care of my mother, grandmother, college, work, girlfriend... It pilled up and the part of my day that could suffer was the game, I needed that 1h/day.

I like to think that I am accountable for my word, that my word means something and this is why this post exists, it's me explaning my self to strangers for not delivering free porn.

Not free, that's wrong, you guys managed to cheer me up, this past week, reading in my celphone about my death in favelas, that's more than my girlfriend did and she gives me BJs so you guys did a hell of a job.

The game:

I recently aquired a audible account and bought a erotic fantasy book so I can have a more "first hand" experience in erotism and sexy stuff.

Z-man bailled on me and we are still friends, the fat bastard is a good guy just not that much into  reading about a girl being tricked in getting traped in a farm party while guys takes turns on her while she is under effect of a libido enhancer drug. I get it, it's not for everyone.

I always thought my email was public here, any way any ideas you guys have you can send here:


As Always you guys are great. See you all... when I see you

PS: My bad the e-mail will now show on the profile (what noob I am).


Porn well is officialy dry

So, the update is coming next week, I will close what a have and will work to put what old content from magma on the game, but I'm out of porn ideas, I knew this might happen so I reserved the Magma so I didn't look so much like a fuck up.

So if any of you want to write something for the game I am open to receive help.

You don't need to program anything just the words are fine, example:

You enter the room and a wild tentacle monster appears!

what do you do?

A) O noes I run.
B) O noes I fight.
C) O noes I run (but trip on purpose hehehe)

A win) You run, jump and as you look back you don't see him any more
A lose) You run, jump but you feel his tentacles catch you and his wicked smile on his mouth says: PREPARRRRE TO BE BOARRRRRDED! (yes, my tentacle monsters are pirates also.)

Also I will be participating in a game thing here in Brazil this week.

So that might take time from the week or make me more excited and come back at full speed.

I know you guys are as disappointed as I am, but with the new job I got my hands kind of full at the moment.

I Wish you all a great week and lots of porn.

PS: How would you guys feel if I did porn game reviews to spice things up?


Games, Money and Beer

A short post, by daemonhany:

First and foremost Game News:

The game is coming with minor delays I will be working late today to pick up the pace.

I really don’t have anything new related to the game to really tell you guys, except that Zman is a little bitch, hehehe.
He and I practice boxing together and HOW can a bigger and stronger guy, be completely overpowered be me?

By being a little bitch, there I said it.
But I like to thank you all for the “Happy Halloween” we do celebrate it but my tentacle monster costume doesn’t fit me anymore.

Money, I use US dollar to buy my porn, after I started making my game I can’t bring myself to pirate indi developers anymore, it’s just too much work to be disregarded because of less than 10 bucks, but since the elections (and for some time before) it’s more than 10 bucks, for a 5 dollar game I pay about 12 Brmoneys. Sad Daemon…

And beer, I love beer, I really don’t need a reason to bring beer up.


Well It's been a while...

But you guys make me feel like I never left.

So, I'm fine, the game is fine, I just got a new job offer and the past weeks has been about that.

You guys have been asking about a submissive route and some stats while I have talked about this in previous posts and replies I will talk about it in depth.

I've been thinking about the story and trying to work my head around the sub route, because the girls is a fighter, has been a fighter her entire life (young life) why would she submit to a bouncer or anyone? but I have a solution to that and I find it very creative, you will find out in the end of chapter one.

The Stats I've talked about "fame" initially I had fame, fighter fame and slut fame. Now I only have fame and slut fame.

Slut fame is pretty much how you are known a zero or low level means you are viewed as strong independent women, a medium level means you are viewed as a normal person nor a paragon or a degenerate, and a high level means you are viewed as a slut, being weak willed doesn't come in consideration in your slut fame.

Fame is how well you are known, the higher your fame the better the pay and the faster you will get another fight in the league, you gain fame by being compliant in a sub choice or by being successful in a challenge, this mean you are rewarded by being a sub, this increases you fame and slut fame meaning you more famous as a slut, why does this gets you fights? You may ask, and the answer is simple Money, Cash, Bufunfa!(BR lingo for cash) fighting is nice but what brings money is tickets, more tickets means the sponsor pays more for advertising, you need famous people to bring people over and for better or worse there is money to be made putting famous slutty fighters in the ring.

I'm thinking about 3 description about each fame status, no points, only a description in were you stand in the spectrum fame/notfame slut/fighter.

Challenges. this will be a situation were you have to been subject to harassment, embarrassment or assault, all sexual in nature and have to respond, how to you do it? fight or submit, fight there will be a "stats check" and if you do good you are rewarded, if you fail you get a penalty (only slutfame or a Will Damage) if you submit you get fame and slut fame, but maybe not Will Damage... I don't know.

Will: This I created whit a different mechanic in mind, but now, after I played this RPG maker game that is HEAVY on mind control, I realised that that is a good direction to go, every job will have a counter of submission or control, if this reaches your current Will you will start to enjoy being assaulted and gain a "quirk" that will be very important later, there will also have a game over if you go too far.

That's it folk, I will try to keep the post on a every sunday schedule.

See you guys on sunday


Army of Two

You guys have been wondering if I will keep posting update regularly and this post is kind of a answer in and of it self but "Yes I will". (as reagularly as this is so 1 post every 1 or 2 weeks)

How is the game progressing: I felt I was loosing track of all the tasks and stuff I need to do so I called for reinforcements and now my good friend... we will call him "Zman"... My good friend Zman will be tackling the code department and leave me with the sexy and story bits.

His help will be invaluable in the completion of this project, I can't stress the lesson "game making is not a lonesome road" enough game making is a team effort and you guys are involved in this too, after all a game is only a game when someone plays it.

This post took a wile because I wanted to see if Zman will come on-board and tell you guys all about it.

No chance on the deadline though I need my time.

Note book battery running out got to go.

See you guys next time!

PS: Yes, the BOSS army will assemble!


One With the Flow

I have a lot to write.

So much comments, people giving me input and that's amazing,  when I delivered the demo I was on vacation, now I have work, college and little time... but every word support makes me want to lose a extra hour of sleep to think, write and code this game.

The dead line:

Some of you said it's good, some say it's bad, but I will tell you how I motivate my self, I need the the proverbial "something" breathing down my neck, even if I miss it the date, it keep me working, makes me narrow the scope, if not, the update will be comming 20XX.

so, 60 days.

Why 60? I need to iterate some more, my writing feels like crap lately, and I'm am reading The Art of Game Design, just for you guys and 500+ pages takes some time.

Now let's talk about good stuff, you guys:


Snickelb: If I create credits in this game, your name should be in it:

The back story os cool and I think I will use it, just not on the protagonist because I have a ending andit needs the character not to have a wealty family, but is a good one for a antagonist.

A closet-gay celebrity: I don't feel it and I don't think I can pull it of and a opressed (by society) turned opressor... I didn't felt it, I wrote a more subtle charming dominator with a inflated ego, kind of cliche but cliche is easy, it's familiar, and I use everything I can to put words on paper..."paper".

Maid outfit: I have a mechanic, that if you fail to be a good body guard, you can hit the road or be a good something else.

I'm writing by memory and I have to go to class.

See you guys soon.